Sunday, February 21, 2010

Rhode Island Bans Wallmart Expansion

Citizens of Rhode Island are considering a referendum vote to shut down the construction of the newly proposed Wallmart Gigantic Super Center citing that the new store would not fit within the state’s geographical boundaries. In a town hall meeting, voters, though grateful for the world’s largest retailer’s “Roll-Back” pricing, felt having to move to the surrounding states to live would prove too costly.

At a gathering at the Providence Civic Center, consumer advocate groups, environmental organizations and a standing-room-only crowd of concerned citizens voiced their objections to Wallmart’s board of directors. CEO Mike Duke said the plan included “moving coupons” to help defer the expenses of relocation and promised a fifty percent mark-down on any overstocked flat-screened televisions.

In the Q and A, following the meeting, Eric Spoover, a member of the grassroots organization, “Consumers Against Expansion Near Our Homes” suggested that “wouldn’t it be better if Wallmart chose a larger state like Delaware or better yet, Texas?”

Duke replied that plans were already underway to build in Delaware but that Texas was out of the question citing that in comparison to the state’s massive square milage it would not make the company’s Super Gigantic Centers seem any bigger than the Super Centers of which there were already some eleven thousand in the state and counting.

The meeting lasted close to three hours, and ended peacefully. In the parking lot I caught Spoover and asked if he was pleased with the outcome He responded “Yes. I think so” but scratching his head and looking a little nonplussed, he said that he “could not stop thinking about the deal on those flat-screened TVs.”

Coming next:

“Bin Laden Rocks Out!: Now With Thicker Beard, Taliban Tough-Guy Auditions for ZZ Top.”

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